Credit Card & Payment Processing Systems

It’s the customer’s choice when it comes to payment type. Merchants need to be ready to accept it all. And with Simpay as your ally, they can.

Card Processing Equipment

YES. This equipment can be FREE to your client.
Just ask us how!

Simpay allows merchants to accept the full range of credit and debit cards, PIN or signature EMV cards, contactless NFC and mobile wallet, EBT, check, cash (obviously), and gift card payments.

And, of course, we have options to accept payment online, by tablet, or via smartphone.

Walker Bluetooth.

3-way card acceptance.
Awesome for mobile payments.

Use our Online merchant application!

Simpay makes it a snap for you to submit an app.


Simpay works with 150+ gateways! From Americart to Zaura, and everything in between!


Pay-by-Cell is a snap with Simpay.

Walker Plug-in

Turn any iPad into a mobile card payment device.

And we have more solutions!
Just tell us what you want to do and we’ll build it with you!
Win With Simpay Form